Registered training organisation (RTO)

Industry: Education & Registered Training Organisation.Sector: Vocational Education | Integrated Training | Assessment & Development.

Country of Origin: Australia | Australia

Target Areas: Worldwide

Registered Training Organization (RTO) A Joint Initiative Of The Australians, The States & The Territory Governments Flagship (Learning Pyramids & Knowledge
Retention Technologies Pathways Instead Of Jumping Straight Into University)! Paid Employment Under An Appropriate Industrial Arrangements, Structured On-The-Job Training Trade Certificates & etc.

Vocational Education is a form of teaching culture focused on direct & practical training for a specific trade or craft. Instructional Designers To Develop Complete
Storyboard Along With The Assessment / Test For Training Modules In The Compliance Domain.

Providing Structured Alternatives To Traditional Learning To Meet The Individuals. Experienced In All Delivery Modes In The Adult Migrant English Program (AMEP),
Including English In The Workplace.

RTO Qualifications!
• Diploma
• Advanced Diploma
• Certificates I, II, III & IV
• Vocational Graduate Diploma
• Vocational Graduate Certificate

RTO & CRICOS Services!
• Course Accreditation
• Registration – Starting Up Your Own
• Management & Extensions Of Scope
• Audit Health Checks, Preparation & Rectification
• Policies, Procedures, Training & Assessment Resource Writing
• Validation – Designed To Assist Evidence Compliance Advise & Support

Regulating Offshore Delivery Of VET!
Australia’s International Vocational Education & Training (VET) Is Estimated To Represent Third Largest Export Industry While The Majority Of Overseas Students
Volume Of VET Delivery To Offshore Students Has Grown Significantly Over The Past Decade.

Price: €/$ on request

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